Young people get a few dollars to

start a project, build an income and learn that they can change their world.

We organize YES Challenges around the globe. Within as little as a week, young people come up with ideas and use the small investment to launch a project and make a profit. Participants emerge empowered and with a new skillset. They engage with their community, develop self-confidence and create opportunities for themselves and others.


You can sign up as an institution, school, college or church OR

you can participate in the YES Challenge with a team you form on your own.

Sign up OR

form a team.

The first step is either signing up your institution (school, university or church group) OR forming a team of motivated individuals who want to participate in the challenge together.


the money.

Each youth team receives a trust based investment of 10USD to 25USD and an initial introduction as well as a kickoff toolkit.


a project.

Over the course of 7 to 14 days, each team develops and implements a project idea, acquires the first paying customers and generates revenue

and profit.


the results

At the end of the challenge teams present their results and pay back the trust based investment if they made a profit. If successful, they graduate to Level 2 and get more time and more investment. If they don't, they are invited to try again.



Young people that took part in

a YES Challenge


Revenue generated in

YES Projects


Number of interactions with community members

*We have only recently started to collect more detailed stats. Actual numbers since the beginning of our work are higher.

We'll also provide more detailed metrics soon. Metrics include challenges funded by our partners.


Profit generated

in profitable teams


Total amount given as trust

based investment by YES or partners


Amount of trust based investment

returned after projects by youth

*We have only recently started to collect more detailed stats. Actual numbers since the beginning of our work with youth in Zimbabwe and Kenya are higher.

We'll provide more detailed metrics soon. Metrics include YES funded Challenges and challenges funded by our partners.

"We sell them to the community in order for them to build their houses..."

Listen to Simbarashe Kahuni share how him and his team started a youth-led changemaking project molding bricks in Chitungwiza, Zimbabwe after receiving 50 USD Trust Based Investment through the YES Youth-led Changemaking program.

New projects

Want to see what is happening at the moment? Support a new project.

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Start a YES Challenge!

Are you a young person that wants to experience the power of a YES Challenge?

Or are you a teacher, professor, religious role model or community leader that wants to empower young people?

Either way, we are giving you all the tools that you need to start a YES Challenge for young people today.

It doesn't matter if you are a single person wanting to participate with a group of friends or classmates OR

if you are interested in hosting a YES Challenge for hundreds of students at your school or university.

The YES Model has been proven hundreds of times* in its power

to activate and empower young people to take responsibility, build an income

and change their communities.


Here are some of the success stories.

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Copyright 2023 YES Founders Foundation



FREE EMAIL COURSE: How to Transform Youth into Leaders and an Average Campus into a Changemaker Launchpad 🚀