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Number of

Youth that participated


Number of

Projects started


Number of

projects in profit


Number of

people served


Funds invested in total

as trust based investment


Trust based investment

returned by students





Profit generated in

profitable teams

The changemaking activity ran for 2 weeks starting on the 26/04/22 and ending on the 10/05/22. A total of 21 youth groups participated. The age of the youth was between 14 and 18 and the total number of youths that participated was 63.  Each group received a total of 15 USD as trust-based investment.

The rules of the changemaking activity were explained to each team and each member and they also signed their registration forms, which outlined the rules and expectations of the program. As per the rule, each group had to return the received funds if they managed to make a profit.

Handing out of trust based investment to some of the team leaders at Marikopo Secondary School.

Outcome of the YES Challenge

19 teams managed to return their trust-based investments, out of which 10 teams managed to generate a profit and 9 teams that returned the funds without having generated a profit.

The biggest achievement of the youth in the eyes of the facilitator...

Considering the participants were school children, the percentage of those who managed to return the trust based funds was recommendable as this was our first trial in schools in Zimbabwe. Also, all the parents of the children were very excited and were 100% supportive of the challenge.

Any stories or feedback from the changemaking activity that inspired you / really resonated with you / was memorable for you?

The team of Pelgreen Matipanagmisa shined throughout the two weeks and did better than many of the teams of those who are out of school.

The table shows the results of the team’s in terms of their revenue and profit as well as the number of people served.

wdt_ID Group leader Number of team members Funds received Revenue made Profit made No of people served during length of activity Activity
1 Pelgreen Matipangamisa 3 $15.00 $129.40 $91.40 47 Selling eggs
2 Kelly Chakahwata 3 $15.00 $13.80 $0.00 36 Selling biscuits
3 Natasha Gumbo 3 $15.00 $15.80 $0.00 67 Zapnacks
4 Choice Chawambutsa 3 $15.00 $18.00 $0.00 17 Selling vegetables
5 Sally Muchenje 3 $15.00 $10.00 $0.00 32 Selling sweet chocolates
6 Ropafadzo Chirwa 3 $15.00 $21.20 $0.00 30 Zapnacks
7 Aminah Mutuda 3 $15.00 $56.00 $26.00 18 Selling fruits
8 Cecilia Chakahwata 3 $15.00 $18.00 $0.00 26 Selling bcuits
9 Shelton Chiriga 3 $15.00 $20.00 $0.00 44 zapnacks
10 Prudence Zengeni 3 $15.00 $29.60 $6.60 56 Sweets and zapnacks
11 Frank Machiridza 3 $15.00 $33.80 $3.80 51 sweets
12 Ropafadzo Dzapata 3 $15.00 $31.50 $1.50 35 Selling maheu
13 Learnmore Majaya 3 $15.00 $30.00 $2.00 26 selling buble gums
14 Ruvarashe Kuanaka 3 $15.00 $34.00 $4.00 49 Selling fruits
15 Blessed Dzapata 3 $15.00 $34.00 $4.00 51 Selling freezits
16 Normater Chinyanga 3 $15.00 $35.00 $5.00 24 Selling maheu
17 Patience Chidziva 3 $15.00 $28.50 $0.00 41 Selling fruits
18 Sarah Solomon 3 $15.00 $35.00 $5.00 24 biscuits
19 Portia Simukai 3 $15.00 $33.00 $4.90 27 Chocolate sweets
20 Lawrence Mudimu 3 $15.00 $30.00 $0.00 28 freezits
21 Tichaona Mandevana 3 $15.00 $36.00 $6.00 50 fruits
22 Total 63 $315.00 $543.10 $159.60 779

Impact of the YES Challenge as well as recommendations of the faciliator

The YES Challenge was a good lesson in terms of running a small business to the participants. The challenge also assisted in terms of school requirements such as stationary. I would recommend supporting more young school kids to improve their welfare and catch them young in terms of business training. I'd also recommend. to introduce small workshops about sexual health and The Work as part of the YES Challenge.

A challenge that was faced in facilitating the YES Challenge was that most of the teams had no smart phones which made it difficult to collect reports and easy communication.

This YES Challenge was conducted by Pride Mhlanga. He also created the above report.

Facilitator(s) and partners involved in making this YES Challenge possible...

Pride Mhlanga

Senior YES Challenge Facilitator & Program Development, Zimbabwe

Pride Mhlanga has organized and facilitated YES Challenges in Zimbabwe since 2021. He has introduced a series of innovations in running the program and has won the trust of several communities and institutions to activate more young people as changemakers.

Thank you to the THE WORK UNDER THE TREE TRUST for supporting this YES Challenge

In order to bring Youth-led Changemaking and YES Challenges to communities in Zimbabwe, we partner closely with The Work Under The Tree Trust. We express our thanks and gratitude for their commitment and energy in activating young people through YES Challenges.

Want to support YES Challenges like the one above?

It’s our belief that investing in young people is investing in the future.

You can make a difference with as little as 10 USD, which we use to bring

a changemaking experience to at least one young person.

You can learn more about other YES Challenges below

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