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Number of Youth that participated


Number of Projects



Number of Projects

in profit


Number of People



Funds invested in total

as trust based investment


Trust based investment

returned by Youth





Profit generated in

profitable teams

The changemaking activity at The Salvation Zengeza Central Corps Society ran for 2 weeks. Starting on the 7/11/22 and ending on the 21/11/22. A total of 5 youth groups participated. The age of the youth was between 16 and 35. The total number of youths that participated was 24.

8 teams received a total of $25 each as trust-based investment. The rules of the changemaking activity were explained to each team and each member and they also signed their registration on printed sign up forms which outlined the rules and expectations of the program.

Outcome of the Youth-led Changemaking Activity

6 teams managed to pay back the whole amount of trust-based investment, one team refunded $21 and the other paid back $6 out of $25.

2 teams returned the trust-based investment without having made a profit with another team only returning $6 so far.

5 teams made a profit in the youth-led changemaking activity and returned the trust-based investment.

The biggest achievement of the youth in the eyes of the facilitator is that…

There were no major achievements made by the teams according to the facilitator’s assessment and view as most teams did not manage to attain the required 81% profit on the trust-based investment in order to qualify for Level 2. However, they learned the skill of record keeping. They have also sharpened their creativity by experimenting, making mistakes, learning from the mistakes and are willing to try again.

What was the feedback of the youth regarding their experience in the youth-led changemaking activity?

The teams were very unsure of the best changemaking activities to conduct and faced stiff competition from already established small businesses in their communities. 

Any stories or feedback from the changemaking activity that inspired you?

The team which was led by one very young lady by the name; Mellisa Chidamba, was so committed and made a good profit despite the fact that they were sitting for their end of year school examinations. 

YES Business Challenge Participants

Below is a simple table showing the results from the groups against the funds received. The table also indicates the number of people served and the activities which were done by the groups.

Team Number Group Leader Number of Team Members Change-Maker Level Funds Received Revenue Generated Profit Made No. of People Served Activity
1 Clianna Chanetsa 3 1 $25 $25 0 13 Pulling socks
2 Carlington Ngwerume 3 1 $25 $30 $5 15 Hands free
3 Aniston Furusa 3 1 $25 $6 0 3 Sandals
4 Mellisa Chidamba 3 1 $25 $40 $15 20 Perfumes
5 Takudzwa Chidamba 3 1 $25 $36 $11 3 Button mobile phones
6 Zvisinei Mushuta 3 1 $25 $60 $35 60 Airtime
7 Valentine Marufu 3 1 $25 $40 $15 11 Perfumes
8 Shawn Mathews 3 1 $25 $21 0 7 Plastic sandals
9 24 $200 $258 $81 132

Impact of the YES Challenge, recommendations from the facilitator and challenges faced.

One of the reasons why in this particular changemaking challenge more teams than usual didn't get good results is because they were not able to dedicate much time as they were taking exams.

Though most of the teams did not generate much income, the competition was such an eye opener to the participants as it provided them with a learning opportunity on income generation. Some of the teams have managed to continue with their income generating activities using the small income raised from the competition.

The facilitator recommends that the teams learn more on marketing strategies and do a small market research before starting their changemaking activities.

A major challenge faced was that a number of the teams had no mobile phones/smart phones for easy communication. The facilitator had to contact the group leaders through other people resulting in very poor communication and support.

This YES Challenge was conducted by Pride Mhalanga .

Want to support YES Challenges like the one above?

It’s our belief that investing in young people is investing in the future.

You can make a difference with as little as 10 USD, which we use to bring

a changemaking experience to at least one young person.

You can learn more about other YES Challenges below

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